News & Current Affairs

Yet another crisis in Pakistan: This time it is education!

Like the broken tax system, rising inflation, unemployment, frequent episodes of violence, and debilitating health infrastructure, another major sphere of economy and public life...

Rising Chinese Lending to Pakistan Presents an Acute Debt Trap

Pakistan’s federal government will present the budget for the financial year (FY) 2024-25 in the National Assembly on 12 June 2024. The date June...

#EXCLUSIVE Pakistan eyes creating rifts within the Indian Ocean Region by establishing a parallel forum, with Chinese support

Pakistan is planning to establish the Afro-Asian Ocean Forum on Maritime Cooperation (AAO-FMC) to counter India’s growing maritime and regional influence in the Indian...

Lawlessness in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir as Pakistani paramilitary Rangers called in to quell protests

Pakistan-occupied Kashmir witnessed violent clashes on Saturday between the police and activists of a rights movement amid a wheel-jam and shutter-down strike across the...

Narco-Smuggling into Holy City by Pakistani Drug Traffickers- A Challenge for Saudi Authorities

Last week, two Pakistani individuals were apprehended during a crackdown on drug trafficking in the holy city of Medina, for selling crystal methamphetamine, the...

Pakistan: Attempts to Promote Buddhism Amidst Violent Crimes Against Religious Minorities

In the last few years, Pakistan has accelerated efforts to present itself as an emerging Buddhist destination in the South Asia region. It is...

IMF to rescue Pakistan, again… But how many times?

Pakistan is in discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on a potential follow-up program to its nine-month, $3 billion stand-by arrangement (SBA) but...

Brutal state crackdown against Sindhi activists out on roads protesting in Pakistan

Pakistan’s way of suppressing the voices of dissent violently was once again demonstrated, after the law enforcement agencies of Pakistan on Sunday launched a...

There is no hope for missing Baloch, be it Sharif or Zardari

The outcome of the February 8 elections has made no difference to the people of Balochistan; who continue to `disappear` or being killed as...