About Us

South Asia Press is a digital news platform that investigates, reports and analyzes under-reported stories from the Indian subcontinent, with a focus on Pakistan.

We bring you exclusive investigations from Pakistan, along with online talks and interviews on current affairs and geopolitics, especially on topics censored by the mainstream media in the country.

It was launched in June, 2020 and is run by a team of international volunteers with Taha Siddiqui as its Editor-in-Chief. Mr. Siddiqui is an award-winning Pakistani journalist living in exile in Paris since 2018.


Taha Siddiqui, the Editor-in-Chief of South Asia Press moved to France after surviving an abduction and possible assassination attempt on his life in January 2018, allegedly carried out by the Pakistan Army.

Read more about it   here in the New York Times.

Mr. Siddiqui has reported from Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Europe and has worked for the New York Times, the Guardian, Foreign Policy, the Washington Post, France24, the Christian Science Monitor, Al Jazeera, Arte and many other well-known international, regional and national news organizations. His focus areas include military, human rights and politics. In 2014, Siddiqui was awarded the Prix Albert Londres, the highest French press award, known as the French Pulitzer, for a documentary for France2. Read more about it   here.

He also manages another digital platform documenting media censorship in South Asia called   safenewsrooms.org which was short-listed by Reporters Without Borders for a Prize for Independence in 2018.

In Paris, Siddiqui has been teaching journalism at SciencesPo and has founded an intellectual space called  the DISSIDENT club. He is also the author of a book named after his bar called  Dissident Club, published by Glenat in March 2023.