News & Current Affairs

UK MPs raise concerns over rights violations in Balochistan following campaign by exiled Baloch community: Report

UK Members of Parliament (MPs) have raised concerns over human rights violations in Balochistan, following a campaign by Baloch National Movement (BNM) to contact...

​Not many bailout options for the embattled economy of Pakistan

The current situation of Pakistan is arguably the most difficult faced by the country in last two decades. Simultaneously confronting the trinity of economic...

As Pakistan heads towards economic collapse, is it using #KashmirSolidarityDay as a distraction?

By South Asia Press Team At a time when Pakistan nears bankruptcy, it was indeed astounding to observe the Pakistani Prime Minister chairing a special...

Secret Chinese Police Stations in Paris and other parts of the world a threat to democracy. Activists call for action.

By the DISSIDENT club team Masquerading as a residence between two restaurants in the 13th arrondissement of Paris is one of the three alleged Chinese...

Arshad Sharif’s killing: a well-planned elimination?

By South Asia Press Team There is increasing evidence that the brutal killing of Pakistani investigative journalist, Arshad Sharif, in Kenya was carried out by...

Pakistan in desperate need of international aid as it fails to weather the storm of climate crisis

By South Asia Press Team Following the COP27 held in Egypt in the month of November, member nations of the Climate Change Conference reached an...

The dirty legacy of General Bajwa – one of Pakistan’s most controversial army chief who ended up dividing the military

When General Qamar Javed Bajwa became Pakistan’s most powerful man on November 29, 2016, he was taking over the army amidst a religious campaign...

Weeks after Pakistan’s exit from FATF grey list, terror group Jaish-e-Mohammad acquires land near its HQ in Bahawalpur: Report

Pakistan continues to shelter terrorist groups, with renewed fervour after exiting the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) grey list earlier this year. A report by...

Who killed Arshad Sharif? 5 questions that raise suspicions of the involvement of powers beyond the Kenyan police.

The brutal assassination of Arshad Sharif, a Pakistani journalist in exile, at the hands of the Kenyan police has raised some serious questions about...